Leadership Beyond the Pandemic Podcast Series
Nurse leaders captured the spirit of innovation as they faced challenges during the pandemic to provide care in a high census, high acuity crisis. AONL’s podcast, part of the new series Leadership Beyond the Pandemic, captures these innovations in care delivery with creative adaptations in technology, job role redesign and community outreach.
Take a short break or listen on the go as you hear what lessons learned and adaptations may prove effective for continued use in non-pandemic times as we seek to lower health care costs while providing quality care.
Latest Episodes
Taking the Sting Out of Nursing Redeployment
Jeannette Bronsord, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, and Kathy Baker, PhD, RN, NE-BC, explore redeployment strategies during the COVID pandemic and best practices in reskilling nurses to alternative practice settings.
Resiliency Rounds and Other Strategies to Elevate Morale
Mary Ann Donohue-Ryan and Maureen Schneider share proactive strategies to offset emotional unrest to favorably influence morale at an individual, group, and organizational level of practice.
Procedural Bundling and Other Tips to Redesign Workflow
Elizabeth McCarthy, MSN, RN, explores an innovative workflow concept of procedural bundling for the best use of nursing expertise when time and resources are constrained.
Ethical Tension: Nursing in High Stakes Care
Stuart Downs, DNP, RN, CENP, FAONL, discusses the moral/ethical dilemmas that nurses faced in managing COVID patients and strategies to strengthen leader’s ethical responsibilities.