Nursing Leadership Workforce Compendium
In alignment with AONL's strategic initiatives, the AONL Workforce Committee and subcommittees identified best practices and innovations to help strategize and manage the complexities of the nursing workforce. The goal of the AONL Workforce Compendium is to bring these best practices and innovations together to be shared widely, to support and empower nurse leaders in attaining, retaining, and sustaining environments where nurses want to work and feel like they belong. Information in this compendium will be updated periodically as information becomes available.
Workforce Innovations & Best Practices
As part of the AONL Workforce Committee's effort to keep resources updated, we are calling on you to help us by sharing your exemplars and scenarios of best practices as related to the below categories. We recognize that the healthcare environment has evolved, and we look to periodically release new information in an effort to support you. In order to better our resources, we are interested in hearing what best practices our materials have sparked in your organizations.
- Compensation and Benefits
- Cost of Nurse Manager Turnover
- Culture of Inquiry
- Frontline Nurse Leader Recruitment and Retention
- Leadership
- December Whitepaper: The Role of the Nurse Manager: Evolution of the Role in High-Turnover Environments
- January Whitepaper: The Role of the Nurse Manager: Implementing Team-Based Models of Care
- Models of Care
- Share Care Models for the AONL workforce inventory
- Join the AONL/AHA Learning Community
- For access, you must be a member and use your AONL/AHA credentials to login or set up an account. If you are not yet an AONL member, please learn more about eligibility/joining for community access
- Onboarding
- Positive Practice Environment
- Practice-Academic Partnerships
- Role Transitions and Interim Roles
- Span of Control
- July Whitepaper: Span of Control
- Members only span of control tool and ROI calculator coming soon!
- Learn more about AONL membership to ensure access upon release.
- Succession Planning
- February Whitepaper: An Essential Workforce Strategy to Retain and Attract Current and Future Leaders
- Talent Acquisition and Attraction
- Technology Solutions
Today in Nursing Leadership Podcasts
Related Research
Trends and Innovations in Nurse Manager Retention
Laudio and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) announced the release of their second joint report, Trends and Innovations in Nurse Manager Retention. The report provides new data on nurse manager retention trends, along with the downstream impacts of manager turnover, and couples it with actionable insights directly from managers on high-priority improvements to promote satisfaction, retention, and growth.
Quantifying Nurse Manager Impact: Laudio Report
Laudio and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership announced the release of the inaugural Quantifying Nurse Manager Impact report, which delivers insights on the impact of nurse managers on health system financial outcomes and key factors that can impede this impact.
Span of Control Report Template
AONL collaborated with The Health Management Academy to measure nurse manager span-of-control and make recommendations to the field. THMA’s Nursing Catalyst team unveiled the Nursing Catalyst Span-of-Control Tool for Frontline Clinical Leaders to help nurse executives assess the total scope of responsibility for leaders overseeing inpatient areas of service. View the template here.
CONNECTION IS RETENTION: Lessons from Leaders with Unusually High Nurse Retention
Crucial Learning and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) partnered to address high turnover in nursing. See the results of our collaboration in Connection is Retention: Lessons from Leaders with Unusually High Nurse Retention.
Longitudinal Nursing Leadership Insight Study
The American Organization for Nursing Leadership partnered with Joslin Insight to conduct a four-part longitudinal study on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing leadership in key areas over time. The latest study, based on insight from more than 2,200 nurse leaders, also includes data on nurse leader satisfaction and intent to leave.