Health Care Finance for Nurse Executives
In today's evolving health care environment, when hospitals are struggling to maintain their margins in the face of rising costs, decreased payment and increased expectations for quality care outcomes, every health care clinical leader has increased accountability for bottom-line results.
To equip nurse executives for these challenges, AONL, in partnership with the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), offers a Certificate in Health Care Finance for Nurse Executives. The certificate program includes the two-day event, web-based learning and collaboration and individual project plan development.
Registration is closed
Program Impact
You’ll complete the program ready to actively participate in executive-level financial decisions—from understanding revenue cycle operations to building and monitoring budgets to forecasting to financial reporting to appreciating the world of the chief financial officer.
Intended Audience
The program is for nurse executives who have a strong foundation in nursing finance and are interested in knowing how to participate in discussions with CFOs, assess and justify requests, quantify clinical activity and spot profit drains.
- Discuss the impact of health reform and the critical need for closer clinical and financial integration.
- Describe revenue cycle processes, including private and government payers, billing compliance, audits, charity care and bad debt.
- Summarize budgeting processes and financial reporting unique to the health care industry.
- Identify how clinical and financial decisions impact day-to-day operations as well as the overall health of the organization.
- Recognize how health care CFOs and other executives are addressing the current challenges.
- Practice expert communication skills to engage in dialogue with stakeholders.
Earn Your Certificate in Health Care Finance for Nurse Executives
Certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the following:
- Two-day Health Care Finance for Nurse Executives program
- Preparatory reading
- Pre- and post-assessment (scores do not influence achievement of the certificate)
- A webinar on health care policy related to finance
- Development of a project plan applying learnings from the program
AONL complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and strives to ensure that no individual with a disability is deprived of the opportunity to participate in the program solely by reason of that disability. Through its agents, AONL will provide reasonable accommodations for a candidate with a disability who requests accommodations. Requests can be made by sending a written request 21 days in advance of the program. Contact AONL Education for questions.
A refund minus 20% will be granted to written requests received 14 days or more prior to the start date of the program. Cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to aonleducation@aha.org. No refunds will be granted after that date. No refunds will be granted for no-shows. Registrants unable to attend may send a substitute. If the substitute is not an AONL member, the nonmember differential must be paid in advance or onsite. All fees are transferable to the substitute less a $25 transfer fee.
Program Schedule
In-Person Programs

The American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. The program offers attendees the opportunity to earn up to 16 contact hours.
AONL is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15740.
AONL awarded contact hours of pre-approved American College of Healthcare Executives(ACHE) Qualified Education credit (non-ACHE) for the AONL Professional Governance Leadership Conference toward advancement, or recertification in ACHE.
Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) Educational Foundation is registered with the National Association of the State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing education on the National Registry of the CPE sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit.