Volunteer for Certification Panels
Application Deadline: October 4
Now through October 4, the AONL Credentialing Center is seeking subject matter experts for volunteer panels that support the Certified in Executive Nursing Practice (CENP®) and Certified Nurse Manager and Leader (CNML®) certification programs.

By volunteering, you will help shape the future of AONL while serving the nursing leadership profession. Volunteer terms are 1–2 years in length, with orientation and duties beginning in October 2021. Volunteers must currently hold the CENP and/or CNML credentials.
Volunteer applications have closed
Panels Looking for Volunteers
CENP® Steering Committee*
CENP® Job Analysis Committee Member
CENP® Item Writer
CENP® Standard Setting Judge
CNML® Steering Committee*
CNML® Job Analysis Committee Member
CNML® Item Writer
CNML® Exam Development Committee Member
CNML® Standard Setting Judge
*The CENP® and CNML® Steering Committees serve as an independent and autonomous AONL unit with respect to the establishing, reviewing, and administering of policies for their respective programs.
Volunteer Responsibilities
Participate in the process of Job Analysis to provide evidence and validity of test scores
Item Writing
Exam Development
Standard Setting Judge
Steering Committee Duties
Responsible for establishing, reviewing, and overseeing the implementation of the policies for the certification program.
Contact AONL@aha.org for any questions.