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Abstract | Nursing Leadership Academy Develops Current and Future Leaders



Staggering shortages and the need to retain nurse leaders have become an inevitable reality of the near future. However, the present holds opportunities to support succession planning for the nurse leaders, which is essential for the vitality of health care organizations. Even before the pandemic, health care organizations were seeing the retirements of leader nurses exceed the number of replacements for those positions, resulting in a vast loss of experiential wisdom and organizational acumen (Warshawsky & Cramer, 2019). It is estimated an additional 67,200 nurse leaders are needed in the United States. Programmatic offerings by health care organizations to build and support nursing leaders are essential, as investing resources into high-potential talent will yield future gains (Graystone, 2019). One way to make that investment is through a nursing leadership development program, as in place at Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) in Connecticut. This article follows the development of this program, which has had 105 past participants and 104 current participants.

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