CNO: Develop relationships with staff to reduce burnout

Nursing leaders should develop personal relationships with staff and have thoughtful conversations with them to better identify when they may be experiencing burnout, according to AONL member Jennifer Croland, DNP, RN. Croland, vice president and CNO at OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Ill., says OSF St. Francis uses monthly mission partner rounding, where leaders debrief with front-line staff to assess strengths, frustrations and how the leader can help to address concerns. Leaders direct nurses who are struggling to available resources, including using sick or well-being days. She also suggests holding micro debriefings at the bedside to help nurses contend with repeated difficult patient situations. Burnout often is due to an accumulation of stressors in a nurse’s professional and personal life. (HealthLeaders Media article, 4/1/24)