CNOs discuss how to improve teamwork

AONL members were interviewed for a two-part article on how CNOs will improve teamwork in 2024. To strengthen their teams in number and resilience, CNOs are sharing purpose and power, redesigning care and establishing pipeline programs to improve recruiting. Jeff Doucette, DNP, RN, CNO at consulting firm Press Ganey, based in South Bend, Ind., notes organizations also need to take an “employee-first approach” to prioritize nurse well-being to ensure organizations can meet patient quality, safety and experience goals. Meredith Foxx, MBA, APRN, executive CNO for Cleveland Clinic, says the organization’s total compensation program ─ including tuition assistance, loan repayment and well-being resources ─ has improved retention. The Ohio-based health system also invests in the professional development of its nurse managers. (HealthLeaders Media article, 11/30/23)