Study: Nurse managers significantly affect retention

Nurse managers who have consistent, purposeful interactions with team members ─ such as check-ins and recognition ─ have statistically significant lower RN turnover, an AONL and Laudio Insights report found. In a team with average turnover, one purposeful interaction per month per RN drives a seven-percentage point improvement in the team’s overall annual RN turnover rate. The report evaluates factors influencing a nurse manager’s capacity for meaningful team engagement, such as the number of people who directly report to them. Inpatient nurse managers who oversee 78 people or more consistently have above-average RN turnover rates. The report is based on data from Laudio’s software platform for front-line leaders. Nurse leaders can use the findings to make operational adjustments in real time to support nurse managers. (AONL news release, 4/3/24)