2024 Conference Continuing Nursing Education

Conference attendees may earn*
- Up to 14 contact hours for keynote, breakout and poster sessions during the conference.
- Up to 7.0 contact hours for a preconference session. Separate registration required.
*The actual number of contact hours awarded to each participant is based on sessions attended in their entirety and a completed session evaluation. The overall evaluation must be completed in order to retrieve your certificate.
The American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. By attending AONL 2025: Inspiring Leaders offered by the American Organization for Nursing Leadership participants may earn ACHE Qualifying Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation. AONL is an approved continuing education provider for the State of California. Provider No. CEP15740.
DISCLAIMER: Opinions, materials and statements presented at the AONL Conference are not endorsed by, and do not necessarily represent, the views of the association or its members.