
American Hospital Association podcasts for members and the health care field.

Janet Davis MSN, RN, NEA-BC, and Jeanette Karon discuss behavioral disruption in the health care environment and share solutions on how to improve staff safety while managing disruptive patients and visitors.
Amy Stockman, RN, MBA, NEA-BC, FACHE, Associate Chief Nursing Officer, Miami Valley Hospital, explores effective strategies nurse leaders can use to guide employees to find their own solutions.
Kit Bredimus, DNP, RN, CNML, shares how to know when you’re ready to take that next career step and the path to get there.
Documentation burden is a barrier to the quadruple aim of improving health, patient experience, efficiency, and clinician wellbeing.
Cynthia Herrington, DNP, RN, NE-BC, explores steps leaders can take to navigate change in today’s challenging health care environment.
Stuart Downs, DNP, RN, CENP, FAONL, discusses the limited methods of ethics education for nurse leaders and how to fill this gap.
Hear recent research detailing what patients see as listening from caregivers, and what leaders can do to model these behaviors through caring for the caregivers by building relationships and listening to them.