Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

Nurses can take steps to mitigate a frequent cause of death in pregnant women ─ homicide ─ most often by an intimate partner, according to a May article in the American Journal of Nursing.
Introducing a maternal vital sign guideline for low-risk patients reduced vital signs measured as well as alarms, which could reduce alarm fatigue, a study found.
Nurses exposed to 40 minutes of bright light before their night shifts feel less fatigued and make fewer errors at work, a study found.
CNOS and human resources leaders ranked quality and safety as the most critical challenges facing their organization, according to a report on issues and trends affecting health care talent.
Jefferson Health started the Nurse Emeritus program, which enables experienced, retired nurses to support and mentor nurses, nursing teams and new leaders across the organization.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality seeks nominations for its National Advisory Council for Healthcare Research and Quality.
AONL’s Nominations Committee seeks candidates, at all levels and across the continuum, for president-elect and the Board of Directors representing regions 1, 3, 6 and the new at-large director seat.
Bipartisan legislation was re-introduced this week to remove barriers in the Medicare and Medicaid program that prevent APRNs from practicing to the full extent of their education and training.
AONL announced this week its 2023 award recipients.
The Emerging Nurse Leader Institute prepares staff nurses, charge nurses and other nurses with new leadership roles and responsibilities to be the leaders of tomorrow. Explore a variety of program activities to become a leader with greater organizational reach.