Care Delivery

Easy to use technology enables providers to simply be providers. By augmenting patient care with technology services, health care providers can focus on treating their patients.
In the redesign of the health care delivery system towards one driven by a team of health care providers in a patient-centered environment, it is important nurse leaders articulate the value of nursing in improved patient outcomes, care coordination, quality, safety and delivery of cost-effective…
In September 2011, The American Hospital Association (AHA) convened a roundtable of clinical and health systems experts to examine the future primary care workforce needs of patients, as well as the role hospitals and healthcare systems can play in effectively delivering primary care.
AONL and the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing collaborated to outline how nurse leaders in inpatient and post-acute/outpatient settings should approach their roles to enhance development of care coordination and transition management across the continuum of care.