Corporate Partners
Interested in a Corporate Partnership?
If you are interested in partnering with the AONL Foundation, please contact Danielle Ward, AONL Foundation Director, at (312) 422-2808.
Corporate Advisory Council Roster
Larissa Africa
Versant Holdings, LLC, Las Vegas
Labinot Bytyql
Solaborate, Tampa Bay, FL
Wendy Diebert
Caregility, St Louis, MO
Nanne Finis
UKG, Lowell, Mass.
Valdrin Lluka
Solaborate, Tampa Bay, FL
Allison Morin
symplr, Cincinnati, OH
Karlene Kerfoot
symplr, Austin, Texas
Renata Ritcheson
Careismatic Brands Inc., Chatsworth, California
Lisbeth Votruba
AvaSure, Inc., Belmont, Mich.