Begley offers advice on nurse manager retention

AONL's outgoing CEO Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, explains how CNOs can prepare nurse managers and help them succeed. Citing the 2024 Trends and Innovations Nurse Manager Retention report released by the AONL and Laudio, she noted nurse manager turnover is greatest during the first four years of leadership due to stress and burnout. Begley said managers should receive formal training in leadership, management and administrative skills. CNOs should ensure support systems are available to help managers navigate and clarify their responsibilities to avoid confusion and lack of direction. CNOs should enable managers to feel safe speaking up about concerns without negative ramifications. Begley says CNOs should meet with managers for comprehensive conversations about what is required for them to be effective. Begley also is American Hospital Association senior vice president and CNO. (HealthLeaders Media article, 1/6/25)