Voice of Nursing Leadership

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
Grady Health System of Atlanta is an 800-bed nationally acclaimed Level l trauma center, a Baby Friendly designation, and has a comprehensive burn center and an advanced comprehensive stroke center.
Unanticipated clinical events occur within health care settings; some involve medical errors, while others may be the result of complications relating to the patient’s condition.
Nurse executives may find themselves unemployed due to restructuring or other circumstances that are voluntary or involuntary.
A CNO Approach to Engaging Front-line Nursing Staff
The Organization for Nurse Leader's efforts on Massachusetts Staffing Ratio ballot campaign.
Explore the journey and viewpoint of nurse leaders who became chief executives, AONE members interviewed three such executives.
Telehealth has had many iterations. During the American civil war telegraphs were used for medical consultations and to summon equipment. When Alexander Bell invented the telephone, one of his first calls reached a doctor requesting his medical opinion. (History of Telemedicine, 2015). Due to their…
An emergence of revolutionary technology is creating a sense of excitement, curiosity, and disruption. The resources employees use in the workplace and the way information moves through an organization are shifting. So where can nurse leaders immediately begin to infuse the use of technology to…
Reducing labor costs while improving patient outcomes and nurse satisfaction have long been a major focus of hospital nurse leaders. The term nurse scheduling problem (NSP) is used to help describe the complexities associated with nurse scheduling, and the task of solving the NSP has become…