
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The American Hospital Association released a resource describing how hospitals and health systems improved maternal and child health outcomes in 2023.
Less than 1% of nurses reported full confidence in being able to identify red flags and symptoms of human trafficking, yet up to 88% of victims come into contact with the health care system while being trafficked, according to studies.
AONL members Cassie Lewis, Lisa Dolan and D’Andre Carpenter offered recruiting tips to CNOs.
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health this week held a hearing on AONL-supported legislation to reauthorize through 2029 the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 7153).
AONL and 50 other members of the Nursing Community Coalition this week thanked Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., along with other congressional supporters, for introducing a bill to reduce the faculty shortage.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration released an updated Overdose Prevention and Response toolkit.
Patients and family members using medical devices at home may use them incorrectly, resulting in harm, according to ECRI.
Women of color who experienced traumatic birth experiences stemming from obstetric racism said they had postpartum anxiety and depression, increased medical mistrust and decreased desire for future children, a study found.
An interprofessional team on an oncology unit implemented additional cleaning practices, including a program conducted by clinical staff, to reduce Clostridioides difficile rates.
An updated survey instrument can better assess the experiences of nursing faculty, students and staff from diverse backgrounds while identifying practices that facilitate student and professional success.