Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

Hospitals need to identify novel approaches for decreasing high-touch surface contamination, including new chemical disinfectants, no-touch devices and self-disinfecting surfaces such as copper, a study concluded.
The American Association of Critical Care Nurses seeks additional hospital leaders to apply to be part of its Healthy Work Environment National Collaborative.
Geisinger Health System, based in Danville, Pa., received a $948,741 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development to expand its virtual inpatient nursing program.
The hospital field must continue to champion diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, despite the fiscal and operational challenges facing hospital leaders, according to the American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity Leadership Council.
Communicating clear expectations and goals enables Chief Nursing Executive Karen Frenier, BSN, RN, to lead her team without micromanaging.
AONL’s Workforce Committee this week released the second in a series of resources examining the nurse manager role.
A paper published in JAMA Network Open in December 2023 provides health care leaders with guiding principles to reduce algorithm biases and avoid repeating mistakes that have led to worse outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety this month published a 50th anniversary issue on health care equity.
The American Hospital Association last week released social media content and graphics in English and Spanish to help hospitals raise awareness about human trafficking during January’s National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
An American Hospital Association podcast explores how three rural hospital leaders are retaining their workforce and attracting future generations of health care workers.